8401 poze   50710 vizite
0-Hey-00-O vacanta ruinata   xox-Epii O1-xox   xox-Epii O2-xox0-The deadly excursionCum te numesti in japonezaInformatii One DirectionJurnalul fermecat-Serial   x-Epiisodul 01   x-Epiisodul 02   x-Epiisodul 03   x-Epiisodul 04   x-Epiisodul 05   x-Epiisodul 06   x-Epiisodul 07   x-Sfarsiitll-House of terror-ll   ll-Epiisodul 1-ll   ll-Epiisodul 2-ll   ll-Epiisodul 3-ll   ll-Epiisodul 4-ll   ll-Epiisodul 5-ll   ll-Sfarsiit-llLOL LOL LOL -Intra 1LOL LOL LOL -Intra 2LOL LOL LOL -Intra 3LOL LOL LOL -Intra 4LOL LOL LOL -Intra 5LOL LOL LOL -Intra 6LOL LOL LOL -Intra 7Mamaox-Virtual Love   Epiisodul O1   Epiisodul O2   Epiisodul O3   Epiisodul O4   Epiisodul O5   Epiisodul O6   SfarsiitPoza haioasa-INTRA   Poze funny-INTRAPredestinatii   iix-Epiisodul 1   iix-Epiisodul 2   iix-Epiisodul 3   iix-Epiisodul 4   iix-Epiisodul 5   iix-Epiisodul 6   iix-Epiisodul 7   iix-FiinalScrisoare despre mamaSerial-O flacara nestinsa   Ep 01   Ep 02   Ep 03   Ep 04   Ep 05   Ep 06   Ep 07   Ep 08   Ep 09   Ep 10   Ep 11   Ep 12   Ep 13   Ep 14   Ep 15   Ep 16   Ep 17   Ep 18   Ep 19   The EndThe magic of love   xx-Epiisodul 1-xx   xx-Epiisodul 2-xx   xx-Epiisodul 3-xx   xx-Epiisodul 4-xx   xx-Epiisodul 5-xx   xx-Epiisodul 6-xx   xx-Epiisodul 7-xx   xx-Fiinal-xxTreziita la realiitate   iix Part 1   iix Part 2Two sisters one boy-Serial   Epiiisodul 1   Epiiisodul 2   Epiiisodul 3   Epiiisodul 4   Epiiisodul 5   Epiiisodul 6   Epiiisodul 7   Epiiisodul 8   Epiiisodul 9      xEpiisodul 10   xEpiisodul 11xSfarsiitYou can not see love   xox-Partea 1-xox   xox-Partea 2-xox   xox-Partea 3-xox   xox-Partea 4-xox   xox-Partea 5-xox SFARSIT

membru din 3 March 2012

You can not see love

You can not see love

Selena Gomez-Alexandra {Alexia}
Miley Cyrus-Raluka {Rallu}
Demi Lovato-Maria {Marics}
Nina Dobrev-Diana {Didy}
Zayn Malik-Zayn {Zayn}
Louis Tomlinson-Louis {Boo Bear}
Harry Styles-Harry {Hazza}
Liam Payne-Liam {Liam}

si alte personaje pe parcurs{cred}

In curand

♥Ce dulce♥
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love
You can not see love

Comentarii album • 16

BombonikaDulce 21 July 2012  
Deabia astept,promit ca o sa il urmaresk darling
Răspunde Raportează
xSerialeDisneyChannel 21 July 2012  
ok,daka zici uh =]
Răspunde Raportează
iixMariiaProduction 20 July 2012  
E super posterul..
Auzi la episoadele alea cand ma intorc in Bucuresti o sa ma uit k acum sunt la mare si nu prea am timp...:(
dar sigur recuperez toate eps si dau com la tot :*
Răspunde Raportează
xSerialeDisneyChannel 21 July 2012  
nu este serial este cu parti =]]
Răspunde Raportează
SaifandPreityLover 20 July 2012  
de abia ast primu ep:x:x::x:x
Răspunde Raportează
xSerialeDisneyChannel 22 July 2012  
ok,o sa il fak curand :))
Răspunde Raportează
SaifandPreityLover 20 July 2012  
ms mult k m.ai adaugat in serial:x:x:x:x:x:x

pe 26 sau 27 incep si eu serialu :o3 in care u esti selena cu liam:o3
Răspunde Raportează
xSerialeDisneyChannel 22 July 2012  
ok,il voi citi :)
Răspunde Raportează
SaifandPreityLover 20 July 2012  
super poster:x:x:x:x
Răspunde Raportează
xSerialeDisneyChannel 22 July 2012  
ms,am avut cateva batai de cap =]]]
Răspunde Raportează
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